Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Into the Wet Tropics

Fun at the Farm

Our love for farm stays has grown with our latest discovery, Mountview Farm Stay & Poodles in Toonpan, just a hope away from Townsville. Throughout our visit, we bonded with our hosts, Katie and Jason, other campers, and all the farm animals.

We met a delightful family from Perth who were already six months deep into their Big Lap.  Imagine homeschooling 4 primary school age girls in a caravan!  I wouldn’t last a week.  They fessed up that they were a bit slack with the study schedule, but we all agreed these kiddos are acing life lessons on the road (not a screen amongst them) and most likely getting a far superior education through their travels.

Katie and Jason aren't just farmers' they also breed Poodles, which meant I was in my element to be surrounded by poodle puppies.  During our stay, they, along with Bindi, chief Poodle at the wheel, took us on a personal tour of their farm to feed the animals.  Jason was mourning the loss of his favourite goat to a snake.  I asked him how he knew Billy met his end due to a danger noodle.  He explained that a lethal snake bite causes bleeding from the eyes and nose.  Gross!!! 😬 Wish I hadn't asked.

Bindi, taking us on the farm tour

Katie and Jason - Best Hosts Ever

Turtles of Tropical Townsville

Townsville is a treasure trove of freebies.  There is so much to do without spending a cent. We took a long walk along Ross River, which bubbled like a jacuzzi in nature's own spa. Upon a closer peek, it was a turtle party down there!

The only downside with the farm stays is that you usually need to be self-contained.  Whilst we have a loo in our camper, we do not have the luxury of an indoor shower.  Not wanting to scare the little children at camp by using our outdoor shower, we thought it would be a good idea to find a shower in Townsville.   We have noticed that now have ventured into crocodile territory, all the larger towns boast pristine, free lagoons for everyone to enjoy.  I guess they provide the locals with somewhere to swim due to the less-than-friendly marine life lurking in the ocean!  The lagoons also provide smelly campers a welcome hot shower - we bumped into our Perth friends there - there were on exactly the same mission.

On our day out in Townsville, the third wallet-friendly escapade led us to the Palmetum, one of the town’s 3 beautiful botanical gardens.  The Palmetum is a collection of 365 species of palms.  Here is a pic of Steve’s favourite.  I don’t know its scientific name, but he named it the “hemorrhoid palm” 😏

The Hemorrhoid Palm - Ouch!

A Day Trip to Maggie

I read in a brochure that there aren’t many places in the world that almost guarantee a sunny day, but Magnetic Island is one of them.  The island also brags about having the largest population of koalas in all of Australia due to there being little in the way of threats.  Lured by the twin promises of endless sun and cuddly marsupials, we set off to the port, ready for an adventure. There, as we waited under a deluge for the ferry, my ears tuned in to a very familiar accent.  I asked the young couple if they might be visiting from Denmark.  Their smiles could've lit up the gloomy day as they congratulated me on my linguistic talent. Turns out, I was the first person on their 3-month tour not to mistake them for Germans or Dutch, and that made them very happy.  We spent the half hour trip sharing our travel tips, and by the time we docked, the guaranteed sunshine graced us with its presence.

View from Nelly Beach to Picnic Bay, Magnetic Island

Critter of the Week – Koala

We trekked on a hike to the Island’s WW2 fort site near Horseshoe Bay, and just as the brochure promised, low and behold, we saw some Koalas fast asleep in the trees.  What a treat!

Whilst I was "attracted" to Magnetic Island for the adorable marsupials and rich history, the big pull for Steve was, of course, the craft brewery at Picnic Bay.  And let's be honest, after a marathon trek across the island, a cold one at Maggie Island Brewing Company felt like finding an oasis in a desert.

Steve smiling at discovering the brewery

Mother’s Day at the Mother of all Waterfalls

Despite all the fun we are having, it was a bit depresso to wake up on Mother’s Day without the usual hugs and presence of my girls.  To cheer me up, we decided to do one of my favourite activities and go on a trek to a waterfall.  Lucky for me, we were now staying at our next camp - Crystal Creek, not far from Australia’s tallest single-drop waterfall – Wallaman Falls.

Here are a few pics from the top, and the bottom.  The photo of me smiling was before we set off (I wasn't smiling at the end).  My Garmin nearly blew a gasket due to my heart rate after the climb back up – but it was worth it!

View from the top of Wallaman Falls

And from the bottom - spectacular

Hej – guess who we bumped into on a hike to the waterfall?  Yep, our 2 Danish friends.  It is so funny how you re-meet people on this adventure.  The young Danes encouraged us to step it out, because a beautiful rainbow had just burst through at the bottom.

Anyone for Roast Pork?

As Kirstie and Charlotte usually whip up a wonderful feast for me on Mother’s Day, Steve stepped up to the plate and promised to serve up a scrumptious roast post-hike.  The tiny wild boar piglets we spotted on a waterfall drive were in luck as our prior purchase from Coles saved them from becoming our latest air-fried sensation.  

I think they would have crackled up just bootifully!

Coddiwompling (My new favourite word)

Whilst we have locked in a couple of “not to be missed” accommodations on our trip around Australia, for the most part, we are just “coddiwompling” around and rocking up at places on a hope and a whimsy.  

We are surprised by how we seem to have so many stunning places in Queensland all to ourselves.  The lady in the Townsville Tourist Information Centre explained it's because the Grey Nomads from Victoria and New South Wales haven’t made their annual pilgrimage to the warm climate here yet.  I was equally chuffed that A) she didn’t class us as Grey Nomads and B) we're ahead of the grey army.  

We're keen on keeping that lead!


  1. Another awsome blog. I am really enjoying reading of your adventures. Photos are amazing. What a treat for those 4 children. Tony always said this is the best ededucation they can have. Keep blogs a comming.be safe. 🤗

    1. Hey Trish, yes, Tony was absolutely right about that. I hope you had a great birthday in Sydney. Thanks for reading my blog :-)

  2. A fantastic read as always, Mhairi. Happy coddiwompling! Jacqui


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