Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Aussie Gems of the Hibiscus Coast

Jacky of Brandy Bottle Park

Traveling north along the Hibiscus Coast, we've entered Crocodile territory, so no random ocean swimming for us from now on! After a few hours of driving on the Bruce Highway my nerves were shot from the humongous road trains coming the other way, so I consulted the bible (aka Wikicamps) and we pulled into a little privately owned caravan site called Brandy Bottle at Clairview.  Here, we were warmly welcomed by Jacky, a vibrant septuagenarian with red and blue hair (was supposed to be temporary for Australia Day, but she had a bit of a mishap). She and her late husband, Leigh, poured their hearts into this beautiful park, even adding a 9-hole golf course. Now, Jacky single-handedly keeps the park pristine, mowing the lawns daily. Reluctantly, Jacky has put the place on the market.  Just one offer received so far- a meagre $500k for her piece of paradise.  You'd struggle to buy a dilapidated studio for that on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

Steve was impressed with the grounds declaring “it's proper English grass, innit?"

A Sweet Stay

After indulging in some retail therapy in Mackay, we made our way to our inaugural farm stay called "Oh Deare", a Sugar Cane Farm in Calen. Right from the start, Karinda and Dale welcomed us as if we were family. Each evening, they would kindle a fire and gather everyone on the patio to either watch the sunset (or the lightning crack) over cane fields. And naturally, the tune that became our anthem during the stay was "Sounds of Then" by Gangajang.

Our fellow camping buddies toasting marshmallows on the patio

Sunset supper by the Sugar Canes

Chasing Waterfalls in the Eungella National Park

On Karinda’s recommendation we spent a day ambling through ancient rainforests in the Pioneer Valley and Eungella National Park in awe of the scenery at every turn. 

Looking out across Pioneer Valley

The Wheel of Fires Track

The trees and the plants that grow on them

Critter of the Week – Duckbill Platypus

Second to the elusive cassowary, it’s been a wildlife dream of mine to spot the notoriously shy Duckbill Platypus in its natural habitat.  I hope the video plays well in this blog, because it’s really worth a beak, I mean peak 😁.

Cape Hillsborough

As the sun rises kangaroos graze, and the males often box each other, right on the beach at Cape Hillsborough.  Alas, the allure of Karinda’s Sunday pancake feast trumped the early marsupial mob’s shenanigans.  Keen to burn off all those delicious calories though, we drove over a bit later and hiked to Andrew’s Point with spectacular views of the southern Whitsunday Islands.

Oh Deere! - The Love Shack                                                                                

Karinda's life revolves around two passions, and the foremost is sugarcane farming. Initially skeptical about the appeal of a "4-hour" sugarcane field tour, I was thoroughly educated and captivated. Karinda's tour, which included learning about the origins of our food, crushing cane, and tasting the fresh juice, was engaging from start to finish. Her knowledge of sugarcane farming is extensive; if she doesn't know it, it's probably not important. Having survived a near death incident at 29, Karinda cherishes each day as a precious gift and considers it her duty to share her farming wisdom for the betterment of future generations.

Juicing Sugar Cane

Karinda's second love, the Love Shack, initially had me worried, considering that Dale's risqué humour at camp soirees would make a soldier blush. I wondered what kind of artefacts we would find in Karinda’s “special museum” 😳

I was relieved to find that the Love Shack is an innocent treasure trove of Karinda's John Deere memorabilia, amassed over 30 years. 

One of 4 rooms in the Love Shack

The latest, and most unique exhibit was presented to Karinda last Christmas, when her 4 children clubbed together and gave her a custom John Deere coffin for when she transitions to the great sugar cane field in the sky.  (Can you think of a more thoughtful and practical gift to give your mother😇).  

Although she offered, we passed on the chance to snap a picture in Karinda's casket, but Karinda enthusiastically stepped up to the plate.  It was a bit of a weird and confronting image, so I will refrain from adding it here!

Queens of Queensland

Yes, Jacky and Karinda are a little rough around the edges, anti-woke/un-PC, F-bomb dropping, no-frills true-blue Aussies.  They are also two of the most inspirational, determined and high-achieving women I've ever met, and so deserving of the tourism awards they are quietly clocking up.  We are so grateful to have stumbled across the Brandy Bottle and Oh Deere properties on the Hibiscus Coast 🙏

Big Things – Big Thongs

Australia is renowned for its love of "big things," and I'm on a mission to capture them all. Here's the first on my list – the Big Thongs of Calen.

Wishing everyone a great Anzac Day on Thursday.  Lest we Forget.


  1. That seems like a great place to visit did you see any croc,s loving your blog so interesting

  2. looking good you two enjoy

  3. And still the adventures keep going how awsome weather being good for you at this stage keep enjoying soo envious of you both love Trish Westrupp 🤗🥰

    1. Thanks Trish, we have had a few downpours, but mainly at night, thankfully.

  4. Have been to a couple of the places you have visited and really enjoyed them, keep posting

    1. Thanks Mark. We have booked in to your Port Douglas recommendation :-)


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